AT700 Loudspeakers (Gloss Black)

AT700 Loudspeakers (Gloss Black)


A new addition to our Blackline range, the AT700 loudspeakers feature Air Motion Transformer tweeters and 4.5” paper cone drive units.

A stand or bookshelf mount loudspeaker, the AT700 are designed to deliver pure audio quality with minimal filter components or unnecessary features.

Available in high gloss walnut and high gloss black

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BLUE AURA AT700 旗艦喇叭!配備 Air Motion Transformer (AMT) 氣動高音單元和 4.5 寸紙盆高保真單元!AMT 氣動高音單元提供出色的瞬態響應和低失真率,帶來自然真實的音樂氛圍!

BLUE AURA AT700 旗艦喇叭是 v40s 真空管機和超級一體機 BLUE 1 最佳配搭!實現了 High End 級的音質重播!