Blue1 Midi – CD/DAB+/FM

Blue1 Midi – CD/DAB+/FM


Blue One 合併式放大器採用晶體管放大設計,不單止慳位,更是一款多功能集於一身的合併式擴音機,具備CD播放、藍牙連接DBA+接收、USB音樂播放、數碼/模擬輸入、超低音輸出等一應俱全,配合同廠設計的 PS32迷你喇叭,放置於客廳或睡房都能為您帶來簡約便捷的音樂享受.

Listen / Stream / Connect

The Blue 1 midi hi-fi system offers customers a wealth of features and connectivity options.

DAB+/CD Player/FM Radio/Bluetooth connectivity/Play music files

Blue Aura’s design philosophy of offering customers stylish and innovative sound solutions continues with Blue 1.

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